City Clinical Hospital №67 in Moscow it LA VorohobovaClinical Hospital №67 in Moscow it LA Vorohobova
  1. Record for consultation to the head of department
Record for consultation to the head of department

International Academic Web Conference

Leading spinal surgeons from Moscow, Kurgan, Germany and Belgium participated in one of the biggest international web conferences  organized in Vorokhobov City Hospital No.67 in Moscow, supported by  DePuy Synthes Spine. The main goal of this international web conference is to bring together leading experts from different countries to exchange experience about sophisticated procedures for degenerative spine diseases.

"An ideal spinal operating room should include portable CT (BodyTom) and robotic system (Reinessance) in addition to other equipment and devices, as robotic technology help to minimize human errors but do not restrict creative component of surgery. Today spinal surgeon should continuously improve his/her knowledge and skills, learn new sophisticated and minimally invasive techniques to guarantee his/her patients rapid and full recovery" - comments one of the conference participants, Dmitry Dzukaev, head of Moscow Spinal Center at Vorokhobov City Hospital No.67.

Special attention during this conference was paid to new minimally invasive techniques that are becoming more common in spinal surgery during the last 10-15 years. As experts from Moscow, Kurgan, Germany, and Belgium said, new technologies can make most complicated procedures not only easily accessible but also less traumatic for patients.