City Clinical Hospital №67 in Moscow it LA VorohobovaClinical Hospital №67 in Moscow it LA Vorohobova
  1. Record for consultation to the head of department
Record for consultation to the head of department

​First AOSpine Masters Symposium in Russia took place in Saint-Petersburg

First AOSpine Masters Symposium in Russia took place on 23-24 May 2012 in Saint-Petersburg.
Faculty included leading neurosurgeons from Europe, North America, and Russia: Luca Papavero (Schon Klinik, Hamburg), Carlo Bellabarba (Washington University), Bernhard Meyer (Munich University). Unfortunately, due to logistic issues Richard Assaker (Lille, France) could not attend this meeting. However, his presentations were covered by other speakers.
Before the symposium, Alexander Mushkin (Saint-Petersburg Phthisiopulmonology Research Institute) was elected as chairmen of AOSpine Russia in the result of on-line voting on the web-site
The symposium opened with case discussions. All participants, spinal surgeons with at least ten years of experience, were divided into a few small groups. Each group received a case presented by the faculty. Cases were presented with preoperative scans only. Each group discussed possible treatment for the particular case and voted for the best solution. After that faculty presented the actual treatment, postsurgical follow-up and clinical outcome.
With this new type of educational activity, all participants were involved in the case, and some questions resulted in active discussion.
Symposium also included presentations on degenerative diseases of the cervical spine and modern surgical techniques, benefits and risks of arthroplasty, foraminotomy (anterior and posterior), laminoplasty and golden standard in cervical surgery - anterior cervical fusion. Involvement of adjacent segments was also discussed.
Day 2 focused on thoracic and lumbar spine disorders, recurrent herniation, surgical care and rehabilitation for athletes.