City Clinical Hospital №67 in Moscow it LA VorohobovaClinical Hospital №67 in Moscow it LA Vorohobova
  1. Record for consultation to the head of department
Record for consultation to the head of department

International Scientific Web-Conference

Moscow, 26 September 2014 - Leading spinal surgeons from Moscow, Kurgan, Germany, and Belgium participated in one of the biggest international web conference that was organized in Vorokhobov City Hospital No.67 in Moscow, supported by DePuy Synthes Spine.

Sch n-Klinik, Germany;
Erasme Hospital Universit  Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium;
Spinal Center of Moscow Vorokhbov City Hospital No. 67;
Department of Neurosurgery RMAPO,  Moscow, Russia;
Russian Research Center "Reconstructive traumatology and orthopedics" n.a. acad. Ilizarov G.A. Kurgan, Russia;
Federal Neurosurgery Center Novosibirsk, Russia;
North-Caucasian Multifacility Medical Center of Ministry of Health, Beslan, Russia;
Burdenko Neurosurgery Research Institute of RAMS
Moscow, Russia;