City Clinical Hospital №67 in Moscow it LA VorohobovaClinical Hospital №67 in Moscow it LA Vorohobova
  1. Record for consultation to the head of department
Record for consultation to the head of department

CITY NEWS TV Center - A combination of robotic and computer technologies

A combination of robotic and computer technology make possible unique spinal operations in Moscow City Hospital No. 67. 
BodyTom portable CT allows surgeons to scan the patient directly during the most complex operations on the spine. This information is transferred to the robotic system. Surgical robot after processing these data determines the exact position of the implant with an accuracy of 1 mm. Every movement of the surgeon and surgical robot is controlled by the navigation system. Robotic system for spinal surgery Renaissance has no analogs in the world. The combination of these innovative technologies minimizes the risk of complications, almost completely eliminating the human factor, allows to set the implant in the spine (for example, in case of spinal injury) safe for the patient.


BodyTom cost Moscow 45 million Rubles, it is the only one portable CT in Russia and the second in Europe.

Dmitry Dzukaev: "I use all this imaging data as intelligence to locate the exact position of my enemy". He describes the surgical technique for removal of the herniated disc.

Through the small incision under the direct vision, surgeons remove the excessive bone that was compressing the nerve and caused severe pain to the patient, affecting her ability to walk.
The efficacy and safety of such procedures significantly improved with portable CT that was installed in the operating room.

Alexander Pejker: "We can accurately determine the localization of the pathology when the patient is lying down on the operating table, and this information is more precise comparing to traditional CT scan." 

No need for a big incision and looking down in the wound to find a lesion. Portable CT gives 3D imaging of the spine and precise location of the lesion, so the surgeon has only to choose the right approach. The operation will continue for a few more hours, but it is worth it - already two days later the patient will recover, and within a week she will go home.
This is the benefit of new equipment: it significantly shortens rehabilitation period comparing to patients with traditional CT scans.

Dr. Skoda, hospital director: "Earlier patients were treated in 20 days, and now they can begin rehabilitation within two-three days after the operation". 

But Nadira Kerimova, she was on the operating table, felt an improvement already in a few hours after surgery. 

Nadira Karimova: "Just yesterday I had the surgery, and today I feel much better. I can move my toes, and my leg doesn't hurt! I was walking without any help tonight!

Neurosurgeons joking: "After the rehabilitation course in our department people start dancing, even those who never did it before."