Our staff
Reutova Alina Aleksandrovna
1987, graduated with honors from the North Ossetian State Medical Academy in 2009. In the same year I entered the clinical internship on the basis of the Department of Internal Diseases of the Faculty of Postgraduate Education of the Central Clinical Emergency Hospital, specializing as a physician-therapist. She graduated from the residency in 2011, passed in 2011 professional training in the specialty "Physical therapy and preventive medicine" on the basis of the Federal State Institution "Russian Research Center for Restorative Medicine and Balneology of Roszdrav".
In 2009 she took part in the international master class on work with the Tergumed 3D simulator for the complex assessment of the spine.
In 2010 she participated in international practical seminars on "High-tech equipment in neurorehabilitation", devoted to work on rehabilitation complexes that train patients in combination with functional electrostimulation.
From 2000 to 2009, she was a member of the Youth Public Organization of the Leadership Movement of Russia, as the organizer of regional workshops.
With enthusiasm she is engaged in volleyball, swimming, dancing.