Medical gymnastics room
Exercise therapy refers to the use of physical exercises for treatment and prevention of possible complications to provide more rapid and complete recovery of health and return to normal activities.
The objectives of physical therapy are:
- improvement of the systemic and local blood and lymph circulation;
- recovery of lost functions;
- improving the body tone;
- strengthen muscles
The primary means of physical therapy are exercise and environmental factors (the sun, air, and water), additional means are mechanotherapy (training on fitness equipment), massage and occupational therapy.
We use the following forms of physical therapy:
1. Morning hygienic gymnastics. Held in the morning, before breakfast. Its primary purpose - to wake the body after sleep. Takes 5-10 minutes.
2. Medical gymnastics – the main form of physical therapy. Your doctor can choose exercises for individual muscle groups and correct the exercise intensity depending on your needs.
3. Homework exercises are used when it is necessary to break up the physical activity in few pieces..
We organize group and individual sessions for patients with the following pathologies:
- disc herniation in the cervical and lumbar spine,
- compression spine fractures,
- postoperative rehabilitation for spine compression fracture and disc herniation.
- compression spine fractures,
- postoperative rehabilitation for spine compression fracture and disc herniation.
We use different exercise equipment (stationary bicycle, treadmills, equipment to strengthen the muscles of the shoulder girdle, back, legs, vibration equipment for lower limbs) to achieve relaxation and muscle strengthening.