In February the surgeons in City Hospital #67 showed Chinese surgeon how to perform the most complex spinal surgery with the aid of the unique robot.
Kuy Yong is the surgeon, President of one of the most prestigious medical universities of China, the member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences… He saved thousands of patients. But Kyu Yong tells about himself modestly, as if reluctantly. He listens more to others and nods encouragingly. He has a curious and ambitious attitude: to obtain the maximum of information, to see as much as possible, to try, to feel, and to learn.
At September 25th Moscow City Hospital No. 67 organized a conference on new surgical technologies in the treatment of spine diseases in patients with osteoporosis.
However, this meeting had a unique format – it was online-conference.
Teleconference with participation Moscow doctors and their colleagues from Germany and Italy took place in City Hospital No.67. Moscow experts in spine injuries held workshops for European physicians.
Teleconference with Moscow doctors and their colleagues from Germany and Italy took place in City Hospital No.67 this Friday.
For the first time in Russia course on spinal surgery was broadcasted in real-time for surgeons in Russia and abroad. Teleconference connected Moscow, Beslan, Novosibirsk and Kazan, and questions came from doctors from Surgut, Magnitogorsk, Kiev and many other cities. All physicians who connected to the broadcast were able to watch and participate in the discussion.