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International Scientific and Educational telemedicine Conference of Spine Surgeons
25th of September 2015 РусскийDear Colleagues!
September 25th 2015 at 11:00 (Russia, Moscow time) at the Center of the Spinal Neurosurgery City Hospital №67, Moscow holds an international conference; Innovative Surgical Technologies in the Treatment of Osteoporotic Spine. Infection complications in spine surgery.
The conference will bring together leading European and Russian surgeons:
- Professor Cornelius Wimmer, Schoen Clinic, Germany;
- Dr. Joao Melancia, Hospital St. Mary, Portugal;
- Professor Gubin A.V., Russian Ilizarov Scientific Center Restorative Traumatology and Orthopedics, Kurgan
- Professor Grin A.A., Institute of Emergency named after N V Sklifosovsky, Russia;
- Chief of the Center of spinal neurosurgery Dzukaev D.N., City Clinical Hospital № 67 named after L. A. Vorohobov on behalf of the Moscow Department of Health, Russia.
The format of an international teleconference involves interaction between participants using telemedicine technology, and broadcast reports on the European clinics, federal medical center in Russia and CIS countries. Spinal surgeons from more than 10 medical centers in various remote regions of Russia and EU countries, participating in the event will have an opportunity to listen to the leading spinal surgeons lectures and ceases, be involved in discussions and ask all sorts of tricky questions to the faculties of the conference.
Looking forward to meeting you at our conference!
The conference is held with the support of DePuySynthes,